Some of the most common medicinal plants help eliminate toxins from the body
Nettle and dandelion decoction
Nettle ( Urtica dioica ) is the purifying herb par excellence. The aerial part contains flavonoids, calcium salts, potassium and caffeic acid derivatives, has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and facilitates the elimination of gravel. With nettle and dandelion ( Taraxacum officinalis ) a diuretic and purifying decoction is prepared. Dandelion is rich in potassium, which fights water retention, and inulin, a polysaccharide that is not absorbed and has a slightly hypoglycemic action.
Aloe Vera Gel
The gelatinous juice of Aloe vera , rich in polysaccharides and amino acids, is extracted from the leaves without the pericarp, where many anthraquinones, strongly laxative substances, are present.
Aloe gel has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and purifying effects.
Emollient and soothing mallow
In mallow herbal teas ( Malva sylvestris , M. rotundifolia and M. neglecta ) the leaves, without the stalk, which contain mucilage and tannins, and the flowers, which also contain anthocyanins, are used. They are emollients and anti-inflammatory for the gastrointestinal tract; they are also recommended for smokers because they have a protective and slightly expectorant effect on the lungs.
Elm gemmoderivative
The gemmoderivative of Ulmus campestris facilitates the formation of bile and its emptying; it regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands and therefore has a beneficial action for the skin. With the bark of elm, in which tannins, mucilage, phytosterin are present, a decoction can be prepared useful for making restructuring compresses for hair and skin.
Burdock for the skin
In addition to elm, burdock ( Arctium lappa ) also has a sebum-normalizing effect. In its leaves and roots it contains inulin, tannins, sulphates and potassium phosphates which give it hypoglycemic and antibiotic properties. Burdock decoction has a purifying effect, it is also used externally applied locally on oily and impure skin.
Milk thistle for the liver
The fruits of milk thistle ( Silybum marianum ) contain silymarin, a substance also found in various medicines, which protects the liver from toxic substances present in alcohol, smoking, and drugs. Silymarin is even administered in cases of poisoning by amanita mushrooms.
Viola tricolor mask
Viola tricolor flowers contain active ingredients such as tannins, mucilage, violaxanthin and violaquercitrin, which have beneficial effects on impure skin. With the violet, a mask is prepared to fight acne and pimples. Mix 50 g of clay with 3-4 tablespoons of Viola tricolor infusion and a tablespoon of honey until it reaches a creamy consistency, then apply to the face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
In the kitchen: chicory, artichokes and rosemary
Chicory ( Cichorium intybus ) has purifying and hypoglycemic properties due to the presence of inulin and chlorogenic acid concentrated mainly in the root, but also present in smaller quantities in the leaves. Its constant consumption helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and is also good for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
Artichoke leaves ( Cynara scolymus ) are rich in cynarin, a detoxifying substance that is also present in the flower buds, which constitute the edible part.
Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ) not only contains a highly aromatic essential oil that alleviates psycho-physical tiredness, but also flavonoids and rosmarinic acid which have antioxidant and liver-purifying properties.
Lemon juice in the morning
Lemon juice ( Citrus limon ) is very rich in flavonoids and malic acid, it is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. It contains a lot of vitamin C, B vitamins and potassium, which have a tonic effect on our body. It also contains citric acid and acetic acid which prevent the formation of stones and facilitate the elimination of gravel. Half a lemon squeezed into a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach helps control excess cholesterol and uric acid.